Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Supporting Information Literacy and Online Inquiry in the Classroom has been a enlightening class that has brought ideas and procedures that are necessary but not something that I would immediately plan on devoting time too. The most striking revelation I learned from the class is the importance of teaching students how to check the validity of a website. I had taken for granted the ability of students being able to assess the validity of a website and it was good to have resources on how to teach it. Using a mixture of reviewing the primary and secondary sources, the web address, links, and information on the website are all great ways to check a website for validity.
Creating a lesson focusing on the use of technology was a good experience into planning out an entire lesson. Planning out all the details such as the introductions, time commitments, and resources needed related well to actually lesson planning. I enjoyed finding all the inconsistencies in the Save the Rennet website and I can use some of my methods to teach students how to find inconsistencies. Going forward I plan to set aside some classroom time on a regular basis to institute technology integration by teaching and using new technology. I plan to accomplish this goal by staying up to date with information literacy and technology skills. I can do this by checking online for new technologies and by checking in with the school’s IT director on a monthly basis.

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