Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cognitivism in Practice

Creating organizers/presentations that include what we are going to learn today, visuals, and essential questions is a great way to get the students in right frame of mind for what we are going to cover that day in class. I like the use of computers to make advanced organizers to help students take and retain their notes. Creating these organizers that connect ideas and visuals is a different way to write notes that will interest the students. If not enough computers are available then the teacher could create the organizer and print it off and have the students fill it out and add it to their notes. Having organizers presents the information in a way that is easily assessable for the student to go back and retrieve information.

Being able to summarize and take notes are important skills that many students have trouble with. Taking notes verbatim isn’t a very effective way to take notes because it’s hard to figure out what items are supposed to be important and need notes taken on. I cue my students and left them when they should be taking notes. They know that if I write it on the white board or I am showing a PowerPoint presentation then they should be writing that information down. I make sure to summarize my points and include relevant visuals, which creates concept mapping. Using concept mapping and virtual field trips is a great way to use visuals, sounds, and information to make learning more engaging and a memorable experience. Connecting these visuals, sounds, and text together will make it easier for this information to be stored in long term memory. Using note-taking templates and outlines is a great way to help guide students in the right direction and is a great resource. The use of Wiki’s and blogs to create online glossaries and post information is a great way for students to combine their knowledge and ideas for the benefit of the rest of the class.


  1. Hi Zach,

    Last semester, the instructional designers at Walden provided advanced organizers for the course, Creating an Effective Classroom Learning Environment. It was the first time I encountered this magnificent tool. It made taking notes on the videos organized, concentrated and effortless. Since then, I decided to provide my students with these advanced organizers. They appreciated, and benefited, from them as much as I did. Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn and Malenoski (2007)recommend advanced graphic organizers and describe them as, "...compelling introductory materials that will help students focus on the essential concepts and themes that will prepare them to learn" (p.75-76). Perhaps you may wish to introduce them to your students. They truly are effective, and there are a number of ways they can be implemented, all with the same positive results.


  2. Whoops, here is the reference:

    Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

  3. Lauren,

    Thanks for the advice on advanced organizers. It’s good to hear that they have been successful in your classroom. Being able to do learn and teach in ways the students appreciate can act as an excellent motivator for learning and higher order thinking. I plan to use them in my classroom as well and can already see several activities that will be enhanced by them.
